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1.Painless dental injections

painless dental treatments in chennai

Just because injections have been unpleasent, patients have been rejecting dental visits and risking thier oral health.

Our center have been using a computerized system, to provide local anesthesia in patients, which help in reducing the pain and avoid discomfort in mouth significantly. 

How it is done?

Using a fine needle in a pen-shaped handpiece the anesthetic solution is provided. In order to control the pressure and flow rate, the computerized delivery system helps in providing comfortable injection.

When providing with local anesthesia, the doctor would avoid the common stinging effect which is common with the traditional injections. This has been used in a wider patient base and we have been able to create a positive review for the common people.

2. Dental laser (zolar)


laser gum treatment in chennai

As patients are seeking dental practices with latest technology, the diode lasers are very popular these days.

Its advantages over traditional gum surgical methods:

  • No need for surgery
  • No need for sutures
  • No bleeding
  • No pain , no discomfort, no swelling
  • No need to take rest. You can continue your regular life style
  • No food restriction
  • No post treatment tooth sensitivity
  • Improvement in gum strength and bone levels because of laser biostimulation concept
  • Very much preferable for patients with dental fear, as it is a very simple method to strengthen gum..

3. OPG (orthopantomogram)

OPG Kodak- For full mouth X Ray is used for evaluation of cavities, damages of trauma, bone loss.

It includes a small and simple procedure and our center has the most advanced digital X-ray facility.

Pregnant women should inform the doctor so that they can be covered by lead apron thyroid collar, or sometimes the date for evaluation will be post-ponded. Once the radiographs are taken, the image is read on a computer screen.


4. RVG (Radiovisiography)

digital dentistry in chennai

The latest X-ray technology in dentistry is RVG digital radiovisiography.

The machine is equipped with special software that analyse image. Here the image can be saved in enlarged form.

Advantages of RVG Digital X-ray are,

  • Reduced radiation
  • Patient education
  • Faster image processing software
  • Digital intra-oral sensor is used
  • Immediate imaging on computer screen
  • High quality of image
  • Images can be saved in the patients file

5. T- scan (Tek scan)

T-scan is a tool to evaluate the occlusion of the patient. It shows the amount force generated per tooth during occlusion.

Has improved accuracy in reducing pain of the patients. Its a diagnostic device that allows us to better analyze and adjust bite(occlusion) and prevent problems.

dental implants in india

6. Piezo surgical unit

painless wisdom tooth removal in chennai

Piezosurgery  is a new surgical technique used in dentistry to section hard tissues without damaging adjacent soft tissues. It uses piezoelectric vibrtions for cutting bone tissues in a bloodless field.

Its use in dentistry,

  • Wisdom tooth removal
  • Tooth extraction
  • Ankylotic tooth extraction
  • Bone cutting with great precision for ridge augumentation and ridge expansion
  • Surgical orthodontic surgeries

7. Intraoral scanner(digital impression)

Digital impressions(intraoral scanners) captures clear and highly accurate impressions in a minutes without the need for traditional impresion materials that some patients feels inconvenient and messy.

digital dental impressions

Its advantages over traditional impressions,

  • Digital accuracy and time efficiency
  • Used for patients with severe gag reflex
  • Reduces manual errors
  • More comfortable and less anxious to patients
  • Better communication with patient and lab

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