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Laser gum treatment(LANAP)

What is the LANAP protocol?

LANAP (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure)  protocol for the treatment of gum disease uses a specific dental laser, Nd: YAG.

laser gum treatment


Over 80% of adults suffer from some degree of gum disease everywhere. Yet only 60% know they have it.

Only a few will accept treatment while others will not, the reason behind that is fear (fear of conventional/traditional flap surgery- treatment involves opening the flap with a scalpel blade, cleaning the roots and tooth, and again closing the flap with sutures).

To avoid this, here comes a minimally invasive gum disease treatment, the LANAP protocol

laser gum treatment in chennai

laser gum treatment in chennai   click here

How does it work?

  1. Nd: YAG laser light is delivered via a very small fiber-optic
  2. Through the fiber optic tip, laser light energy is transferred to a heat
  3. This heat vaporizes the darkly pigmented bacteria known to cause gum disease/periodontitis
  4. Regeneration of supporting tissues around the teeth
  5. It induces some amount of gum and bone formation around the teeth which strengthens the teeth

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