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Prevents 80% of dental problems

Date :20/12/2020

One secret which prevents 80% of dental problems in tamil

இன்றிலிருந்து இதை செய்யுங்கள் பல் மருத்துவரை அணுக தேவையில்லை. நைட் ப்ரஷிங்(night brushing) பயன்கள். what is night brushing? why it’s important to do night brushing? When you skip your night bushing – the food which you consumed for the whole day leads to the formation of plaque which is loaded with lakhs and lakhs of bacteria and it starts to irritate your gums from the inside, thereby leading to gum bleeding. Over the night the acid produced by the bacteria attacks your tooth surface which leads to tooth decay. So it is important to brush your teeth at night to prevent your dental problems.

To know about

1. Laser gum treatment-…

2. Post-care instructions after tooth removal –…

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